Creation versus compulsion

Two different ways to create. Which one are you?

Listen to this episode: “Creation vs. Compulsion”

Honestly, I wasn’t sure how well this concept would land, but I wanted to try and see what you all think.

I’ve identified a dichotomy that’s been handy lately, which I am sharing in this podcast episode.

It’s the dichotomy between compulsion and creation.

And it might not be a completely clean divide.

I am still working out the details, but I wanted to share.

I could be completely off-base, but it stays.

On one side: creation. Creating something for the joy of seeing something new exists in the world that hadn’t existed before.

On the other side, compulsion. Creating to fulfill other different needs like safety, belonging, esteem, or whatever.

I tend to see the former as the more powerful of the two. My experience has shown me that the results feel purer and tend to impact how I want them to.

This is not to say great things can’t be created in pursuit of external goals - just that I find better self-expression and creative voice emerge when external motives are put to the side.

Or at least seen and accounted for.

Tell me - do you agree?

Listen to this episode: “Creation vs. Compulsion”

PS - I mean it when I say I would love to hear from you. I want to hear your questions, insights, reactions, comments, whatever. Learning how you respond helps me understand what to discuss in the future. 🖤