The stories that limit us

How to see, challenge, and transcend limiting beliefs so that we can find our creative voice.

Limiting beliefs sound like background music; they remain imperceptible until we pay close attention.

Here are some classics that I play over and over again in my mind:

  • “I’m too old to start something new.”

  • “I will never be as good as [insert rad person], so why even bother?”

  • “I will alienate my friends and family.”

  • “I should stay in my lane.”

On some level, these stories serve a function: they keep me safe.

The mind seems to value certainty and to fear the unknown, so stories like this make it so that I don’t venture too far out of bounds and potentially get lost in unexplored territory.

I understand, but all the action and growth happens in unexplored territory.

Creativity blossoms outside of the comfort zone.

That means that while these stories serve an evolutionary function, they create gnarly limiters to growth.

That’s why we call them “limiting stories,” duh.

Every human has them, and they keep most people in a narrow zone of comfort and complacency.

I don’t know about you, but that’s not where I want to be.

So I found it helpful to begin exploring some of the limiting beliefs - and others - that kept me from developing and using my creative voice. Exposing these beliefs to the light saps them of power, and that’s what I have been doing.

And it’s what I suggest many of you do, too.

Even if your thing isn’t necessarily “being creative,” your limiting beliefs will hold you back from self-actualizing in whatever way is important to you.

In the podcast, I go into more detail about all of this - how to recognize and challenge limiting beliefs and how shifting our limiting beliefs about ourselves and others can alter society for the better.

PS - I would love to get some ratings and reviews on the podcast platforms if you can. It really helps the podcast to spread. So if you think my actions would help more people, I would love that support. No pressure, though. đź–¤