Anything to avoid writing.

I love writing; I will do anything to avoid it.

Listen to this episode: “Anything to avoid writing.”

I will do whatever it takes to avoid writing, which is weird because I love writing once I get going.

But getting started is always the hard part.

Shopping, scrolling, cleaning, checking stats, checking email, starting new projects, and all that other regular life bullshit horn in and quickly take priority.

Competing demands on our energy are why, at times, I talk about aggressively making space for creative work.

It takes energy to do that.

But beyond that, it's about overcoming resistance to getting started. It's what Steven Pressfield calls "The Resistance" - that feeling of not wanting to sit down and do the creative work you were meant to do. 🐒 

Creative work involves leaning into discomfort in many ways, and overcoming initial resistance is just one of those ways.

And that's what I am talking about on this week's podcast.

I talk about how to deal with difficulties in sitting down to do creative work, and I share ways that I have improved things (but not perfectly) in that area.

You might find that the things I share push you to get in the game.

I sure hope it does.

Listen to this episode: “Anything to avoid writing.”