You're not too old; it's not too late.

When it comes to creativity, age is an illusion.

Listen to this episode: “You're not too old; it's not too late.”

“Age don’t mean shit when you rap better.” -Guilty Simpson, “Rhyme 101”

If I had to pick a most damaging award for limiting beliefs, it would likely go to: “I’m too old.”

For me, that ranks at the top of the list of things that keep otherwise amazing people from creating what they want to create and getting it out there.

It’s usually not true, by the way.

Unless some physical or mental incapacity related to age absolutely prevents action, age is not an excuse for not taking action.

There is no upper age limit on creative expression.

As I explain in this week’s podcast, age is often an asset to creative pursuits. More experiences transmute into something valuable, and a deeper perspective comes from experience.

I know that when we get older, it feels like the ship has sailed or that we should have gotten it done earlier, but that’s not true. We each have our path and are precisely where we need to be.

Or, with the greater responsibility that often comes with age, time is lacking. We tell ourselves that we can’t find the time.

These are real challenges, but mostly, they are just unfortunate stories that limit our potential.

That’s what’s on the menu for this week’s podcast. Tune in. We’re talking through all of it.

Listen to this episode: “You're not too old; it's not too late.”

PS - I mean it when I say I would love to hear from you. I want to hear your questions, insights, reactions, comments, whatever. Learning how you respond helps me to understand what to talk about in the future. 🖤

PPS - Sorry for the occasional little background noise on the mic. The content’s still very dope, though.